
Sharon Samuel Ahmed

Want To Reverse Obesity and Metabolic Syndromes Naturally?

Sharon is a Certified Weight Transformation Mentor on Obesity and Weight Management from International Universities and focuses on Holistic Health beyond Just Balancing Calories.

She is also a Certified Coach by Dr Eric Berg, DC from the USA

In her program, she targets the root causes of obesity through Scientific and Proven methods for sustainable fat loss, without any stringent exercises, weight loss medicines or calorie counting.

Sharon was inspired to help people lose weight as she had herself struggled with obesity and its associated problems such as diabetes, emotional eating habits, fatigue and low energy, breathlessness for over 25 years. She had tried many weight loss methods but did not succeed, as it happens with millions of obese people worldwide.

When she found the scientific and sustainable solution to her weight problems, she realised that weight loss is beyond just counting calories or exercising for hours every day.

Sharon was able to not just lose 20 kgs of her stubborn fat in just 6 months, but was able to come off her diabetes medicines as well. She now has elevated levels of self confidence, self love, high energy and a positive outlook towards life.

Sharon is on a Mission to Transform 1 Million Lives through her proven strategy of fat burning.

She has helped over 100 people become Healthier and Lose their Stubborn Weight 

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